
RUU APP as a Contradiction

Today, our country is busy with RUU APP. It becomes contradiction. Some of people agree, and the others disagree. There were some demonstrations in our country. They try to accept and refuse RUU APP. They think that this is one of the ways to solve the problem. Some of them estimates when RUU APP

There are many reasons why they are agreed or disagree with this government policy. I think it is no problem if they know what is RUU APP? It is a pity because most of the people don’t know about RUU APP. They just give their opinion. Not from the real information but from unclear informant. Of course, this is invalid information. There are also no comments for this.

So, how we can get the true information? I think the answer is by reading the RUU APP itself and the cause of the government makes this RUU. After that we decide our choice. Everybody has their point of view. We can’t give our opinion without know the heart of the matter. I am sure after read it we know more about RUU BHP. So, don’t follow other people opinion.

Beside, we know that each government policy can’t free from the politic interest. RUU APP is too. This has been a polemic for 10 years. We don’t know why this can happen. Our government can’t solve this problem for this time. It is really difficult or just I said before it because of politic interest from some group or parties.

As a smart citizen, we have to give our attention for the problem which is faced by our country.

My Friends

I think that I am the luckiest people in this world. I live around great people. They always give me motivation to face this live to find my future. I will tell some people who give their important part in my live.

First of all are my parents. Everybody knows our parents are the best in this world. They keep me all the time they have. From they making love, pregnant, born me to the world, and then teach me to face this world until now. But, I can’t stay with them, to keep them. They are so far from me now. I have to study in Pontianak to get my bachelor degree. I must study hard. Just because of I may not make them disappointed. I must finish my study as soon as possible and get the best result.

The second is my honey. He is a visionary man. He is the person who makes my live beautiful. He makes my life perfect. He gives love. I love him so much. I hope he will be my husband. Yups…. May be it will be something difficult to tell to others. Never mind, the most important thing he and me know that we love each other.

The third are my friends. Bang Agus, Mas Chidir, Mas Dahlan, Mas Fanan, and Bang Mumun. All of them are very great people. Bang Agus is never late to send a motivation SMS every morning. Mas Chidir is the best people when we have discussion. His thought is very great. Mas Dahlan and Fanan, are too. The last is Bang Mumun who always gives me advice.

The fifth is my step father. He is very kind, wise, and good person. He always knows everything I want. He is very busy person. He works in Pengadilan Agama Sintang, the head of Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ma’arif (STAIMA), the chief of Pondok Pesantren Darul Ma’arif Sintang and the chief of Nahdhatul Ulama Sintang. His wife is a Merchant. He lives happy with his wife and his five children in Sintang.

The last is Mr. Syarif the person who works hard. Although we have very little time to share but his habitually action I get spirit. To be great people we have to do great things. This year he follows local general election in Kabupaten Kubu Raya. May be Allah has secret for him. He lost from this election. He got fourth.

I know that everybody has their success. To get this of course they also have different ways. I have got my success by my own way. I want to be a professional teacher and writer. It is not easy thing. As other ideas it needs work hard to get it. Let me start to reach mine.


We have many things to share with other people. But we can’t share everything to others. There something that is very secret-can’t tell to others.

Well, I just want to share about me. It is not a secret. As a success people of course I will make my life to be the best. He…he… in Indonesian most of my friends call this “NARSIS”. I read many books to keep my spirit. So, I feel comfort for this life. Some people said that many people in this world don’t want to go from their safe zone. So, they can’t develop their ability and they keep stagnant. They are entrusting their life-live without any planning. This action are one of things that cause we can’t reach our future.

From many books and many of my friends I decide to choose my way of live. As a Moslem, my way of live is based on Al-Qur’an and Hadist Rasulullah Saw. May be not all, but always do the best. If we entrust our life to Allah swt, I am sure, I will find something that very great. It does mean that we do nothing just waiting for.

There three aspects we must fulfill. In Islam we are familiar with ikhtiar, do’a, and Tawakal-effort, praying, and entrust. So, let’s do these three to reach our bright future.

University of Tanjungpura

Tanjungpura University is the largest university in west Borneo. It has nine faculties. These are Forestry Faculty, Engineering faculty, Agriculture faculty, Mathematic and science faculty, Teacher training and education faculty, Economic faculty, Medical faculty, Law faculty, and politic and social faculty.