

aku kehilangan sesuatu yang aku benar2 tak kuasa lagi mengatasinya


Two row boats carried the doctor, his son Nick and Uncle George across the bay to the beach. The boats were rowed by Indians. As they reached the beach Uncle George started smoking his cigar and offered the Indians also. From the beach they walked up through the meadow. The young Indian carried a lantern to show the way. Then they went into the woods and followed a trail leading .As they approached the shanties the dogs came barking at them and were shooed off by the Indians. An old woman stood at the doorway of the shanty nearest to the road.
Inside the shanty a young woman lay on a berth who was trying to have a baby and her husband lay on the upper berth and smoked as he had cut his foot three days ago. The woman screamed as the doctor entered. The doctor asked the old woman to boil water. He told his son that the woman was in labor pain and so she was screaming. The son wanted his father to give her something to stop her scream. The husband in the upper berth rolled over against the wall. He was very upset.
The doctor put several things he unwrapped from a handkerchief into the water and left them to boil. He scrubbed his hand with hot water and soap. Nick watched his father as he was explaining him how babies are supposed to be born head first but when the position changes the trouble starts. He told him that he might have to operate on the lady. Uncle George and three Indian men held the women still. Nick held the basin for his father. At last the doctor picked up the baby slapped it to make it breathe and handed it over to the old women. Then the doc sewed up the incisor he had made. The woman who had been operated was calm now. The doctor promised to come back in the morning and said that the nurse would be there.
He was happy that he had performed a miracle by doing a caesarian with a jack knife and sewed with a nine foot tapered gut leaders. When he turned to tend the father, he found that the man had cut his throat from ear to ear and the open razor lay near by. Nick too had seen it. Doctor regretted having brought his son there. The father explained Nick that the women did not always have hard time but this was an exceptional case. He also said that some fathers kill themselves in such conditions out of guilt.
Analysis of Indian Camp
Ernest Hemingway diverges from the path of the typical protagonist in an initiation story with “Indian Camp.” Campbell suggests that most initiation stories end with an “epiphany” of some kind which signals the maturing process in the protagonist. Though much of the story does follow the orthodox pattern of an initiation, Nick, the protagonist in “Indian Camp,” does not come to such a realization in the end. His maturing process remains incomplete in this initiation.
Though all of Campbell‘s criteria for being an initiation story is not present in “Indian Camp,” this story unarguably represents an initiation, or a loss of innocence, for Nick. First, the separation occurs when Nick arrives at the camp. When the “young Indian stopped and blew out his lantern,” the literal shift from lightness to darkness signals the figurative separation for Nick (479). He no longer sits in his comfort zone. Other factors that i

Nick’s loss of innocence involves the entire cycle of life. Another feature supporting Campbell’s definition of an initiation story, the crossing-over point, stands out here as well. From the beginning of the story, Nick and his father climb into a rowboat and then “cross-over” from one piece of land to another via the water. Not only does the water serve as a way of passage, but it also symbolizes the cycle of life, from birth to death. When Nick and his father start to return home, “The sun was coming up over the hills. A bass jumped, making a circle in the water,” (481). At the same moment a baby gains life, a father takes his own life. For young Nick, this seems too much to bear. He poses numerous questions to his mentor, including: “Do ladies always have such a hard time having babies?, and “Do many men kill themselves, Daddy? (481). The pains in life become clear to Nick for the first time.
An Analysis of Ernest Hemmingway's Indian Camp

Ernest Hemmingway's Indian Camp has varied degrees of ideas and issues. Each time I read the story or look at a specific passage, I understand it a bit differently. Keeping an open mind while reading helps to understand the story with many different assumptions or conclusions. The readers are left to assume and add their input to complete the story.

The story never states that Nick, Nick's father or Uncle George are Caucasian. Nor does it say they are related. I believe the reader can assume this due to the use of "Uncle" with Georges' name. However, I personally have friends that are not blood relatives, yet they are considered family and called Aunt or Uncle so and so. Let's assume that all three of these characters are also Indians. Prehaps they come across the river because they belong to a separate tribe. Based on this assumption, the whole story changes. Uncle George calling the biting, laboring woman a "Damn Squaw *censored*!" maybe acceptable. The story doesn't say the guides objected to Uncle George's insult. Maybe it wasn't even an insult. I can relate this to today's society when one calls another Honkey. That's OK unless the person saying it is not Caucasian. Sipiora gives an analysis of "Indian Camp" (pp 31-34) yet this analysis is based on assumptions also. The complete story can only be assumed without knowing a bit of Hemmingway's personal life. An important piece of information would be that Hemmingway's dad, Clarence Edmunds, was a physician himself. (Schafer, 1)

If Nick and Nick's father are of the Indian dissent, could this explain why Nick's father has limited equipment or no anesthetic? Native Americans don't always agree or conform to modern society technologies. Normally a Native American's faith is strong. Could it be that this laboring woman's faith was to be used as anesthetic? Another conclusion might be that Uncle George was smoking medicinal cigars. In the story Uncle George gave the cigars to the escorts. Is this Uncle George's way of asking for their help? Perhaps Nick's father may have not been able to afford any luxuries such as scalpels, sponges, sutures, etc. The reader could conclude that Nick's father, aka Chief, had no transportation to get to the village to buy or trade for equipment or anesthetic. I would believe that if Nick's father was a middle to upper-class person as assumed in Sipiora's analysis, then he would have had these items. Interesting here again is the fact that Hemmingway was raised in Oak Park, Illinois in a "upper middle-class" (Schafer 1)

Nick's father appears to be an educated person treating the under-educated Indian society. This "doctor is superior to all" attitude is interesting. Within the past 5-10 years, this belief has decreased. Patients used to do everything their doctor suggested. Now society asks questions, suggests treatments and even consult their friends for advise on medical issues. No longer does society put the doctor on a pedestal. This is not to say doctors are not respected. However, this approach does make the doctor to seem more like a regular human. In "Indian Camp" Hemmingway makes Nick's father seem ordinary. No one is bowing down to him, saluting him, hailing him or making Nick's father to be anything but ordinary.

Fishing is obvious one of Nick's father's ordinary-person hobbies. One way this is demonstrated is by Nick's father performing surgery with a jack knife similar to gutting a fish. Nick's father also sutures with "nine-foot, tapered gut leaders". Another similarity to fishing may be the fact that Nick's father rows the boat back home much like one would after a long day of fishing. Where did the guides go? Why are they not rowing Nick and Nick's father home? If Nick and Nick's father were visitors (white man) would the guides not take them back across the river? Possibly, Nick's father was a regular human that liked to fish and was also the village doctor.

As stated there are many different ways that the reader could interrupt this story. As Sipiora states, Hemmingway uses an "iceberg principle" (p. 31) leaving only 1/3 of the story exposed to the reader. Then the reader must assume and conclude his or her own thoughts to make the story complete. Each of us are so different and we have experienced such different routes in our life that the way Sipiora interrupts the story or Johnny or Suzie will be different than my own interpretation. Some interesting facts about Hemmingway that may help the reader to better understand Indian Camp are

"the first in a series of stories of Nick Adams. It initiates a• sequence of stories that follows Nick from boyhood through his combat experience in World War I" (Moore),

He lived with his mother and physician father in a "remote region of northern Michigan" (Moore),•

"he felt bitter toward both his parents, particularly his mother, whom he viewed as selfish and domineering" (Schafter).•

Knowing these elements about the author gives the reader a better foundation of understanding of the story. And only know do I think I see the story as Hemmingway wanted me to.

Works Cited

Moore, R. Indian Camp Summary. e-notes.com. February 4, 2004. http://www.allhemingway.com/indian-camp/

Schafer, Nancy Imelda. Earnest Hemmingway. Empirezine.com. February 3, 2004. http://www.empirezine.com/spotlight/hemmingway/hem1.htm

Sipiora, Phillip. Reading and Writing about Literature. New Jersey: Prentice Hall 2002.
Summary and Analysis by Short Story
"Indian Camp"

This story is a good example of the "initiation story," a short story that centers around a main character who comes into contact with an idea, experience, ritual, or knowledge that he did not previously know. Hemingway wrote a number of initiation stories, or as they are sometimes referred to, "rite of passage" stories, and the main character in most of these stories is Nick Adams, a young man much like Hemingway himself.
In this story, Nick Adams is a very young boy in the Michigan north woods, accompanying his father, Dr. Adams, and his uncle George to an American Indian camp on the other side of a lake. Hemingway's own father was a doctor, who spent much time with his son in the northern woods of Michigan (most critics read this story as somewhat autobiographical). Here, a very young Nick is initiated into concepts that remained of highest importance to Hemingway throughout his writing career: life and death; suffering, pain, and endurance; and suicide.
Nick's father goes to the American Indian camp to help a young American Indian woman who has been screaming because of severe labor pains for two days, still unable to deliver her baby. When Dr. Adams arrives, she is lying in a bottom bunk; her husband, who cut his foot badly with an axe three days before, is lying in the bunk bed above her. Doctor Adams asks Nick to assist him, holding a basin of hot water while four American Indian men hold down the woman. Using his fishing jackknife as a scalpel, Dr. Adams performs a cesarean on the woman, delivers the baby boy, then sews up the woman's incision with some gut leader line from his fishing tackle. Exhilarated by the success of his impromptu, improvised surgery, Doctor Adams looks into the top bunk and discovers that the young American Indian husband, who listened to his wife screaming during her labor pains and during the cesarean, has cut his throat.

Although this very short story deals with violence and suffering, with birth and death, sexism and racism, Hemingway's emphasis is not on the shocking events themselves; instead, Hemingway shows the effect of birth and death on young Nick Adams. Nick's progression in this short story is vividly portrayed in polarities. For instance, on the way to the camp in the boat, Nick is sitting in his father's arms; on the way back, Nick sits on the opposite end of the boat. Similarly, while his father wants Nick to witness the birth (and his surgical triumph), Nick turns his head away; when the American Indian husband is discovered dead in his bed, Nick sees it, even though his father wants to protect him from it. The fact that Nick sits across from his father in the boat on the way back after this experience can indicate a pulling out from underneath his father's influence.
The young boy asks his father why the young American Indian man cut his throat and is told, "I don't know. . . . He couldn't stand things, I guess." However, there are more subtle undercurrents for the American Indian husband's suicide as well. The treatment and attitude of Dr. Adams toward the woman, who is an American Indian, are key also. When Dr. Adams tells Nick that her screaming is not important, it is at this point that the American Indian husband rolls over in his bunk toward the shanty wall, as he is found later, after slitting his own throat with a razor. While this failure to confront the events at hand indicates fear, it can also indicate the American Indian husband's resignation to the thoughtless racism of the White men who have come to help her.
Some have suggested that Uncle George is possibly the father of the child, as he seems to have a friendly relationship with the American Indians in the beginning of the story and hands out cigars to everyone after the birth. His handing out cigars to the men present could possibly be interpreted as paternity, although one could also surmise that he is simply sharing his way of celebrating the miracle of birth with the American Indians. Additionally, he stays behind in the camp after Dr. Adams and Nick leave. Following the interpretation of Uncle George being the baby's father, the husband's suicide could be seen as an inability to deal with his own shame and the cuckoldry of his wife.



Kepada Yth.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Segala puji bagi Tuhan semesta alam yang senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan inayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Sehingga kita dapat melaksanakan aktivitas kita sehari-hari.

Berdasarkan edaran dari Kabag Kemahasiswaan Universitas Tanjungpura mengenai adanya beasiswa dari PT BCA finance maka saya:
Nama : Karsinah
NIM : F 12105122
IPK : 3, 37
TTL : Sintang, 15 januari 1986
Jur/Prodi : PBS/ Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Angkatan : 2005
Alamat : Jl. Parit Haji Husin 2, Komplek Fajar Pemai No B20
memohon untuk pembuatan surat rekomendasi guna memenuhi persyaratan yang tercantum dalam beasiswa PT BCA Finance.

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanmya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Pontianak, 11 Mei 2009

F 12105122


Kepada Yth.
PT BCA Finance

Assalamua’laikum Wr. Wb.

Segala puji bagi Tuhan semesta alam. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan-Nya dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Amiin.

Berdasarkan edaran dari Kabag Kemahasiswaan Universitas Tanjungpura mengenai adanya beasiswa dari PT BCA Finance maka saya:
Nama : Karsinah
NIM : F 12105122
Jur/Prodi : PBS/ Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Fak/PT : FKIP/Universitas Tanjungpura
Mengajukan surat permohonan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dari PT BCA Finance. Adapun persyaratan beasiswa PT BCA Finance telah saya penuhi yaitu:
1. Transkrip Nilai
2. Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari kelurahan
3. Surat rekomendasi dari perguruan tinggi
4. Biodata
5. Foto copi KTM
6. Foto ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanmya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Pontianak, 18 Mei 2009

F 12105122



Kepada Yth.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Segala puji bagi Tuhan semesta alam yang senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat dan inayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Sehingga kita dapat melaksanakan aktivitas kita sehari-hari.

Berdasarkan edaran dari Kabag Kemahasiswaan Universitas Tanjungpura mengenai adanya beasiswa dari PT BCA finance maka saya:
Nama : Karsinah
NIM : F 12105122
IPK : 3, 37
TTL : Sintang, 15 januari 1986
Jur/Prodi : PBS/ Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Angkatan : 2005
Alamat : Jl. Parit Haji Husin 2, Komplek Fajar Pemai No B20
memohon untuk pembuatan surat rekomendasi guna memenuhi persyaratan yang tercantum dalam beasiswa PT BCA Finance.

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanmya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Pontianak, 11 Mei 2009

F 12105122


Kepada Yth.
PT BCA Finance

Assalamua’laikum Wr. Wb.

Segala puji bagi Tuhan semesta alam. Semoga kita selalu dalam lindungan-Nya dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Amiin.

Berdasarkan edaran dari Kabag Kemahasiswaan Universitas Tanjungpura mengenai adanya beasiswa dari PT BCA Finance maka saya:
Nama : Karsinah
NIM : F 12105122
Jur/Prodi : PBS/ Pend. Bahasa Inggris
Fak/PT : FKIP/Universitas Tanjungpura
Mengajukan surat permohonan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa dari PT BCA Finance. Adapun persyaratan beasiswa PT BCA Finance telah saya penuhi yaitu:
1. Transkrip Nilai
2. Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari kelurahan
3. Surat rekomendasi dari perguruan tinggi
4. Biodata
5. Foto copi KTM
6. Foto ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar

Demikian surat permohonan ini saya sampaikan. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanmya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Pontianak, 18 Mei 2009

F 12105122


Meeting 1
February, 18 2009

The topic we will discuss in Semantic subject.
1. What is semantic?
2. Three types of synonim and antonym.
3. Hyphonemy and superordination.
4. Homophone and homonim.
5. Polysemy and metonomy.
6. Register (slank, colocall, figurtive, etc.).
7. Mid test.
8. Denotation and connotation.
9. Implication.
10. Ambiguity.
11. Metaphore, simile and symbol.
12. Collocation, fix expression, idiom.
13. Semantic change and etimology.
14. Final test.

What is Semantic

Folk names Technical terms

- Meaning - (discourse)semantic
Content - Wording - lexico grammar

Expression Sounds/letter phonology/graphology

E.g. A tri stratal semiotic system of language.
- when the lights are out, they are invisible
- when the stars are out, they are visible
- he loves the bottle
Means that he loves the water in the glass receptacle.

Does semantic investigate denotative and connotative meaning?
Eg. Black cat = the cat whose the colour is black (denotative)
The conotative meaning in british english is unlucky connotation
Horse-shoe = a shoe wore by a horse (denotative)
The connotative meaning in british english ia lucky connotation

I can’t untie his knot with one hand.
1. I have an ability in certain things
2. I talking about knot
3. The process of loosening tie.
Garage sale: when some family want to move out so they will have unused item in the garage.
1. Is a ring suppose to be rang or square
2. Body sale = item for sale are related to garmens are named baby.

Meeting 2
February, 25 2009

Semantic investigates the relationship between eords (synonyms, antonyms, etc.)
Lexical items can be regardedas synonymous if they are replaceable without altering the meaning of the utterances.
Antonyms gradable antonyms
Ungradable antonyms / can’t use comparative structure

Converses = perceive the situation
Eg. He broke (snapped) the twig.
He had been the scapegoat of his basis incompetence
Fall guy
Temperature (formal) = mercury (informal)
Wise guy = wise man
Oversee = over look
Notice to fell to notice
An action does by the supervisor,
Synonym = perfect, near, and far
Blam passing = saling menyalahkan = finger pointing
Ocean = big mama
Low pro (file) = inconspicuous Corpse = death human body
Home = habitual abode Carcass = death animal body
Dead alive (complimentary
ungradable antonym
big small
gradable antonym
lend borrow
give receive
catch throw

Find the synonym of the words underlined below.
1. My pizza got cols. I’m going to microwave it.
Answer : heat
2. She is enjoy europicaly now that she has a good job.
Answer : europicaly = happy, exiting
Now that = because
3. There is a lot of breaking and accelerating on the road right now due to rush our.
Answer : breaking = slow
Accelerating = go
Rush our = crowded
4. There is a lot of deterioration happening to my car driving it to work everyday.
Answer: deterioration = damage, wear and tear
5. This work is bone breaking.
Answer: terribly hard

Meeting 3
March, 4 2009

Hyponimy and superordination
Hyponimy and superordination show a relationship between two words in which the meaning of one of the words includes the meaning of the other. The specific term is called hyponimy and the general term is called superordinate. A superordinate term can have many hyponyms.

Aircraft carrier
Fleet Cruises co-hyponyms

Fleet = military ship in a country.
Frigate = a travel with other ship to protect them.

Vegetables lasagne = Italian dish, made from pasta, vegetable
Dishes burger

Beverages Milk
Banana milkshake

Edibles = a thing that can be eaten, subordinating term, higher level of S (superordination)
Spoon Addition
Cutlery Fork Calculation Substraction
Knife Division

Can Tobogganing
Motorbike Toning exercise
Vehicle Bus Sport White water rafting
Train Stationary cycling

1. Bite
2. Soulty
3. Sour Taste
4. Sweet
5. Testless
6. Delicious

Discriminate among words
1. What is the relationship between baby, toddler, child at the lesson (teenager) and adults.
2. find three more superordinating terms that cover several hyponyms.

1. People is the superordination of baby, child, at the lesson (teenager) and adults, toddler.
Baby, child, at the lesson (teenager) and adults are hyponym.
2. Flower, animal, furniture, colour, omyside.

Construct 2 sentences showing semantic superordination (never, before)
1. I never eat lasagne before, i considering eating the food next time.
2. My mother planted roses in the garden on Sunday, because she likes flowers verymuch.

Meeting 4
March, 11 2009

Metonomy is a cognitive process in which one conceptual entity (the vehicle) provides mental acces to another conceptual entity (the target)
The whole-for the part M. Eg. The 11 football players.
The controller-for the controlled M. Eg. Nixon bombed hanoi.
Metonomy The symbol-for the thing symbolized M. Eg. The pen is mighter than the sword.
The container-for the content M. Eg. He drank the whole bottle.

Polysemy is a word may be regarded as polysemous if it has two or more extended meanings whose extension differ somewhat but which clearly share a common semantic core-conventional or intentional.
She is a girl of sharp intelligences
Dry = is not wet.
Dry cow = a cow which is thirsty
Dry reading = boring
Dry humor = a man very clever humor which not very obvious/approving meaning.
Dry wedding = there is alcoholic served to the guest.
Dry wine = not sweet
Dry cough = doesn’t produce and flame
Dry voice = without emotion

Meeting 5
March, 18 2009

1. a. He book a bow at the end of the concert.
b. He was wearing a bow tie.
2. a. They had a row over money and split up.
b. They sat in the back now.

The archeological site was a marvellous sight at sunset. Let’s pray that we may never to prey to evil thoughts.
1. What is the subtitution?
2. What do you mean by homographs?
3. What do you mean by homophones?
4. What’s the different between homonyms and polysemy?
Homonyms divided into:
1. Homographs. That is a couple of word they are similar in writing and the same spelling but different in meaning.
2. Homophones. That is a cup of words. They are not similar in writing and not the same in spelling, has different meaning but the same in pronounciation.
Row = cruel, line of seat, moves the boat with a couple of instrument.
Another example of homophones:
Homonyms is intralingual phenomenon within one single language false friends is not intralingual phenomenon into 2 languages.
1. What is the history of the sweatest lesson?
Because it is full of dates.
2. Why did a big chimney say to the small chimney?
You are too young to smoke-cigarette, produce the blank smoke.
3. Why did you take a pencil to bed?
I wanted to draw teh curtain.
Draw = to make pictures, to full it open.
4. Mention another 3 phases of words having the same pronounciation but different meaning?
Bag – back
Sick – seek
Hate – hat
Plant – plan

Meeting 6
April, 1 2009

1. What do you mean by register?
2. What does the choice of register on?
3. Can you mention the six register types?
4. How many aspect in any situation that make different to how we use language/
5. What does the field of discourse refer to?
6. What does the tenor of discourse refer to?
7. What does the mode of discourse refer to?

Register :
1. Style of speaking / writing which is appropriate to a particular social situation.
2. Style of language use by the people sharing the same occupation.
1. Pick up the paint brush, please? (positive politeness)
2. Sorry to bother you, but could you please pick up the paint brush?
The choice of register depend on:
1. Type of situation
2. The person addresed
3. The location
4. The topic discussed

Register types:
• archaic-modern = thou art –damsel-girl, sweatmeat-candy
• literary-non literary = morn-on the morrow
• technical-non technical =download-upload
• academic-non academic = GDA – paradigm
• formal – informal
• spoke – written
formal – neutral – informal
spectales – glasses – specs
abode/residence – house – place
clothing - clothes – clobber
spouse – husband – other half

What is the different between genre and register
Genre is text types. There are 12 types of genre:
narrative, descriptive, argumentative, discussion, report, recount, hortatory exposistion.

Field of discourse = what is being talk about.
Tenor of discourse = the selection of language, interaction/relationship between person to person.
Eg. Mother - child
Mode of langage = the role language display spoken or written
Eg. Teacher – student

Meeting 8
April, 29 2009

1. What is denotation?
2. Which meaning is denotative often equated?
3. What’s connotation?
4. Which meaning is connotative meaning often equated with?
5. Is connotative meaning universal of language specific?

Connotative = a language skill
Denotative = a universal
Denotative is part of meaning that relate to phenomenon in the real world (referential). It must be focus of physical referent. It is core meaning, conseptual meaning, central meaning, referential.
Word (bird)

Meaning referent
- a two legged
- wriged
- warm blooded
- egg laying
- creature with a beak

conotative is the additional meaning that a word of phrase beyond in the central meaning/analogical nature of human conceptualization.
Cowboy builders/plumbers
Birdwatching/ bird watcher
Horseshoe/mascot/black cat
Horseshoe and mascot is lucky connotation in british english.
Blackcat is unlucky conotation in british english.
Shark = untrustable person, dishonest person

A scar war
Scar = something ugly, dennotation-human/animal body.

White = purity (british english)
Black = evil (british english)
Blue = miserable (british english)
Red = danger (british english)
Yelow = fears (british english)

1. Can you find at least one culture/language specific connotative meaning?
2. The tongue still bears, the scar war. Can you explain the connotation meaning of scar as it is used in this sentence.
1. Butterfly and crocodile
2. Scar = danger, sorrow, unrealibility
Bears = something unpleasent

tgas semantic

Page 9
ii.I The underlined words in the sentences below have a number of different meanings. What is their meaning in the contexts of these sentences

1. What does polysemy mean?
Answer: mean = definition of polysemy
2. What a note of any special register characteristics that a word has.
Answer: note = a short written
3. The judge increase the sentence to life imprisonment.
Answer: sentence = punishment
4. We had a light lunch.
Answer: light = a lunch that consist of small quantity-meals
5. Carl is very good at putting on different accents?
Answer: putting on = expressing or stating
6. Does spanish writing use any different accents?
Answer: accents = a mark, usually above a letter to indicate or emphasis the quality of a vowel sounds
7. Where does the stress go on the noun ‘photograpther’.
Answer: stress = an extra force used when pronouncing a particular word/syllabel
8. There are a lot of points to think about when considering the meaning of words.
Answer: points = topics that we have to discuss in discussion

ii.2 Choose a synonym from the box in order to complete the response to these statements.

Worn out famished annoying excruciating pouring
Appropriate brilliant gorgeous

1. Are you hungry? Yes, I’m ... .
Answer: famished
2. Is she an intelligent girl? Yes, she’s absolutely ... .
Answer: brilliant
3. Your little boy looks tired. Yes, he’s ... .
Answer: excruciating
4. I like her dress. Yes, isn’t it ... .
Answer: worn out
5. Is it raining? Yes, it’s ... .
Answer: pouring
6. The film was pretty bad, wasn’t it? Yes, I thought it was ... .
Answer: gorgeous
7. Did you think the sentence was fair? Yes, I thought it was ... .
Answer: appropriate
8. Does she delibrately wind him up? Yes, she loves ... him.
Answer: annoying

ii.3 Match the words on the left with the words they collocate with on the right.

1. to contemplate your feature
2. to dismiss a worker
3. to do some gardening
4. to dribble a ball
5. to have a good time
6. to make a mistake
7. to pay a rope
8. to plead innocence
9. to set an example
10. to shuffle cards
11. to waste an opportunity
12. to wind a compliment

ii.4 Answer the questions about connotation and register

1. Which of these things have lucky connotation in British English-horseshoe, mascot, black cat, the number 13?
Answer: Horseshoes and mascot
2. Mistletoe is a kind of parasitic plant, but what are its special connotations?
3. Give the standard meaning and the informal meaning of the following words-loaf, bread, nick, kid, wicked.
a. Loaf
Standard: a mass of bread shaped and baked in one piece.
Informal: to spend one’s time not working, or not doing what one should be doing.
b. Bread
Standard: a food made of flour, water, and ussually yeast mixed together and then baked.
Informal:a small loaf of bread for one person.
c. Nick
Standard: a very small cut.
Informal: to arrest somebody, to steal something.
d. Kid
Standard: a child or young person
Informal: to say something as a joke, often making someone believe something that is not true.
e. Wicked
Standard: people or their actions morally bad
Informal: excellent
4. What does the word register mean for a) linguist, b) a school teacher, c) a musician?
A linguist = the style of language, grammar and words used for particular situations.
A school teacher = to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record.
A musician = all the notes that a musical instrument or a person's voice can produce, from the highest to the lowest.

Page 9

iii.1 In a good dictionary, such as the Cambridge International Dictionary English, look up the word dissimilar. Are there any special aspects of usage that you should make a note of?

If your dictionary does not tell you anything special about its usage, look at the notes about usage of dissmilar in unit 71

iii.2 Look in your dictionary and find out which two preposition normally follow the adjective liable.
Answer: preposition of for and to

iii.3 Find the dictionary which has the word aught in it. What special information does the dictionary give about its usage?

ii.4 If you can acces internet, go to the website for Cambridge University Press dictionaries at dictionary.cambridge.org and find out if the two phrasal verbs catch up with and catch up on are the same, or wether there are differences in meaning.
Catch up with and catch up on have different meaning.
- catch up with sb (PUNISH) phrasal verb.
If someone in authority catches up with you, they discover that you have been doing something wrong and often punish you for it: They had been selling stolen cars for years before the police caught up with them.
- Catch up with sb (CAUSE PROBLEMS) phrasal verb.
If something bad that you have done or that has been happening to you catches up with you, it begins to cause problems for you: His lies will catch up with him one day.
- Catch sb on the wrong foot.
If something catches you on the wrong foot, you are not prepared for it: I hadn't expected the question and it caught me on the wrong foot.
- Catch sb on the hop UK INFORMAL.
To do something when someone is not ready for it and is not able to deal with it: I'm afraid you've caught me on the hop I wasn't expecting you till next week.

Page 13

iv.1 Choose between real and genuine in these sentences. Circle the more normal collocation. If both are acceptable, circle them both.

1. The Egyptian Pyramid hotel in Las Vegas is great, but I’d prefer to see the real/genuine thing.
Answer = genuine thing
2. He just does not live in the real/genuine world. He live in a fantasy world all the time.
Answer = real world
3. This briefcase is made of real/genuine leather.
Answer = real/genuine person
4. She is very real/genuine person. If she promises something, she’ll do it.
Answer = real person
5. This home-made champagne is nice, but it’s not as good as the real/genuine article.
Answer = genuine

iv.2 Choose one of the words below each sentence to fill the gaps. In each case only one of them is the normal collocation for the underlined word.

1. After his death, she went to the hospital to collect his personal ... .
a) affairs b) objects c) effects d) extras
Answer = b) objects
2. He made a rather ... attempt at an apology, but it didn’t convince anyone.
a) faint b)frail c)fragile d) feeble
Answer = d) feeble
3. George was a ... opponent, and I respected him for that.
a) formidable b) dreadful c) forbidding d) threatening
Answer = a) formidable
4. I was feeling ... anxious when she didn’t arrive.
a) totally b) pretty c) utterly d) blatantly
Answer = b) pretty
5. She seemed to be ... bewildered by the answer they gave her.
a) vividly b) strongly c) utterly d) heavily
Answer = b) strongly

iv.3 Circle the most suitable collocation in these sentences. The word you choose should have the approximate meaning given in brackets.
1. A brisk/brusque/brash (quick and energetic) walk before breakfast helps to enforce/sharpen/grow (increase, make stronger) the appetite.
Answer = - brisk
- grow
2. The death tally/tale/toll in the earthquake has now risen to 20,000. (number of total)
Answer = tally
3. Let’s take a sluggish/plodding/leisurely stroll along the beach, shall we? (slow and not energetic)
Answer = plodding
4. If you want to stay at home tonight, that’s utterly/perfectly/blatantly OK with me. (completely, 100%)
Answer = perfectly
5. My aunt bequeathed/bequested/bereaved ₤20,000 in her will to cancer research. (gave after her death)
Answer = bequested
6. If I remember rightly/keenly/fairly she had two brothers, both older than her. (correctly)
Answer = rightly
7. If you want information about the publisher of this book, you can accede/call/visit their website at www.cambridge.org. (consult, look at)
Answer = visit
8. Eating all those peanuts has spoilt/attacked/lowered my appetite. I don’t feel like dinner now. (destroyed, decreased)
Answer = attacked

iv.4 Which collocation is more likely? Circle the correct answer.
1. a strong car/ a powerful car 4. a doleful party / a doleful expression
2. strong tea / powerful tea 5. a lengthy car / a lengthy meeting
3. auburn hair/ auburn carpet

1. a powerful car
2. strong tea
3. auburn hair
4. a doleful expression
5. a lenghty meeting